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VFLA Distinguished Teacher Award

Each year the Vermont Foreign Language Association seeks to honor an outstanding World Language teacher in the state.  The awarded teacher can then elect to submit a portfolio for the NECTFL Teacher of the Year. Principals, teachers, parents, or community members are invited to nominate a teacher for the VFLA Distinguished Teacher Award.

The VFLA presents the Distinguished Teacher Award to a foreign language teacher who:
  • is innovative and creative in their practice
  • reflects on their practice and strives for professional growth
  • inspires and encourages students to become active global citizens
  • shares expertise with colleagues
  • exceeds professional expectations

If you would like to nominate a teacher, please use this link: 


Congratulations to Caresse Whyte. VFLA 2023 Distinguised Language  Teacher

¡Hola!  Bonjour! Salve!  My name is Caresse Whyte and I am so honored to have received the Distinguised Language Teacher Award during the 2023 convention at Lake Morey. I am a World Language teacher at Lamoille Union High School in Hyde Park.

I grew up in Middlebury, Vermont and that is where my love for language learning began.  I had wonderful Spanish and Latin teachers at MUHS and was fortunate to travel to France and Italy with these inspiring and cool people. My high school language teachers were very impactful for certain!  Connecting with them later after I became a Spanish teacher provided me with some very special memories too.

I went on to major in Spanish at St. Michaels’s College where I  continued to enjoy language learning and making connections with my professors.  The college had just added Spanish as a major so I benefited from small intimate classes and occasional dinners at professors’ homes.  Upon graduation from St. Michaels’s College, I moved to Portland, Maine with my B.A. degree in Spanish. I then enrolled in certification program at the Univesity of Southern Maine called Teachers for Secondary Schools Program.  After completing the program, I taught in several schools in Maine and then Vermont until eventually settling into Lamoille Union High in 1993 where I continue to teach.  I have been fortunate to travel quite a bit during these years both with students and in my personal life. However there are still so many countries to explore!  I am truly blessed to have connected with so many amazing students and colleagues over the years.  And every day continues to be an adventure in the classroom and with my incredible department at LUHS.  ¡Gracias al universo por todo!

WL Language team celebrating Caresse achievement!

Past recipients of the VFLA Distinguished Teacher Award

  • 2022: Lori Dow-Moore. South Burlington High School
  • 2021: Magali Simon-Martin. French teacher. CVU.
  • 2020: Maureen Davis.
  • 2019: Allison Litten, French teacher, Marion Cross School, Hartford, VT.
  • 2018: Jori Jacobeit, French teacher, Mt. Abraham Union High School. 
  • 2017: Patricia Alonzo, Spanish teacher, Rutland Union High School.
  • 2014: Dana Brettell, Spanish teacher, The Ford Academy

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