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The Vermont Organization of Classic and Language Educators envisions a Vermont of multilingual global citizens who collaborate and connect to the world as a result of meaningful world language experiences.

The Vermont Organization of Classic and Language Educators condemns any form of bigotry or hatred. Indeed, the learning and teaching of  world languages is rooted in the belief that we are enriched by our exchanges with those who are different from us, and that diversity is a beautiful, vital part of our world. Our domain values diverse voices and perspectives; we further commit to elevating those that have been marginalized. Our learning environments reflect our diverse world through our choice of literature, cultural curriculum, and classroom materials. In our classrooms, students and teachers must examine their own biases as they gain knowledge of other cultures, so that we respond to difference with empathy and respect and recognize and expose patterns of discrimination. Ultimately, the work in our classrooms should dismantle ignorance and empower our students to stand up against injustice.

Check out our Padlet 

All kinds of helpful links to resources, games, activities and lesson plans! 



Friday, March 21.  Middlebury College, Middlebury, Vermont

This year's theme is Discovering the Synergy for Student Proficiency

We are excited to welcome Gary DiBianca, who, since 2003, has been a high school Spanish teacher, world language trainer, consultant and coach, author, AP® reader, and a chaperone for more than a dozen international student trips. He has presented nationally on acquisition and brain-based strategies in the world language classroom, big picture planning and unit design, the 21st Century World Language Standards and pre-AP® vertical alignment, the inclusion of topics of diversity in curriculum, teaching with Comprehensible Input and storytelling, and many other topics with regard to proficiency and culture. Gary’s current projects include working as a writer for Voces Digital’s textbook series Nuestra Historia, serving as Co-chair of his local chapter of GLSEN (working to make schools safer for LGBTQ+ students), and sharing his thoughts on his blog: My Mosaic of World Language Teaching

Registration/check-in begins at 8:15am, followed by a Welcome from our VOCALE Presidents and Middlebury College Interim President, Steve Snyder, at 9:00am.  

Our sessions include: 

  • Gary's Keynote: Discovering the Synergy for Student Proficiency: Using CI, Building Competence, and Finding the Output Threshold
  • Gary's Storytelling and Story-Asking 1

  • A CI Co-Lab Coaching Circle, by Gary

And we are bringing back....
  • Swap Shop - a collaboration of ideas
  • Affinity groups

We look forward to seeing you for what is sure to be an informative and rewarding day with your WL colleagues from all over the state! 

News from The Seal of Biliteracy 

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award to recognize students who have attained proficiency in English and any other language(s), by high school graduation. In Vermont, the Vermont Foreign Language Association (VFLA), has partnered with the Agency of Education to award students who demonstrate these proficiencies.

It’s not too early to be considering awarding the Seal of Biliteracy to your students who reach an Intermediate Mid level of proficiency.  Typically awarded at graduation time, students can test in any year. 

Need more information?  visit Vermont Seal of Biliteracy or email email.  We are here to support you and your students to achieve this national award!  Glad to Zoom with you and walk you through the steps.

Please use this form to register your students awards.

2024-2025 VFLA Poster Contest

This year theme: 

World Language: a Core Subject 

Learning a world language is more than just a class—it’s essential for building communication skills, fostering cultural understanding, and preparing for success in a connected world. 
In the VOCALE poster contest, we challenge you to creatively express why world languages matter and to showcase how they shape our communities and futures. 

For registration and information click HERE

 Distinguished Teacher Award

Nominations are now being accepted for the

2025 VOCALE 

Distinguished Teacher Award!

Each year, we seek to honor an outstanding WL teacher in the state. The recipient can then elect to submit a portfolio for the NECTFL Teach of the Year. Principals, teachers, parents, or community members are invited to nominate a teacher for the VOCALE Distinguish Teacher Award. 

For more details and to fill out the nomination form, click on THIS LINK

      Are you a BIPOC educator in Vermont?

      The VT Educators of Color Association is a group of educators of color in Vermont. The mission of the group is to support educators of color in Vermont to connect, heal, and organize for change! We do this through regular online meetings, occasional in person gatherings, and shared organizing projects.

      Our group is primarily K-12 educators but is open to all educators including those in early childhood education, higher education, and out of school education.  

      If you are a BIPOC educator and would like to join this group or learn more please reach out to the co-facilitators Mikaela Simms or Alyssa Chen

      We want to hear your stories!  

      We welcome contributions to our e-newsletters.  

      Share, adventures, traditions, resources, recipes, and more!

      Send us ideas or contributions here

      Become a VOCALE member!

      Click here to learn more about the benefits of being part of VFLA

      Click here to join the VOCALE!

      Our membership runs from January 1st -December 31st

      The VOCALE Board of Directors

      Without volunteers,

      VOCALE would cease to exist.

      Have you ever  wanted to help advocate for World Languages on a statewide level?  How about becoming a member of the Vermont Foreign Language Association Board of Directors?

      Becoming a Board member is a unique opportunity to support and strengthen your profession in Vermont and beyond.  In addition to having an influence on the future of world languages in VT and helping to guide the VFLA in serving the professional needs of its members, benefits of being on the VFLA Board include free membership, free conference, and you can apply to your LSB for PD hours based.

      For more information about being a VOCALE

      board member click here.

      Social Justice 

      The Clemmons Farm in Charlotte is the largest African-American owned historic farm in Vermont. Check the educational programs or schedule a visit with your students.                 More information HERE

      Truly A Rare Gem - CLEMMONS FAMILY FARM


      Mailing address:

      C/O VT NEA

      10 Wheelock Street

      Montpelier, VT 05602

       The USA Teachers National Association

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